Clarendon Municipal Corporation's Service Fees

Services Required Period Current Rates $
Butchers Licence
New Licence Annually 3,050.00
Renewal Annually 3,050.00
Record Book As Requested 1,000.00
Late Application Fee As Breached 500.00
Places of Amusement
Events less than or equal to 300 persons Per Event 2,000.00
More than 300 but less than 1,000 persons Per Event 4,000.00
More than 1,000 persons Per Event $20,000.00
Buildings Only or Building & Grounds
Events with less than or equal to 300 persons Per Event 2,000.00
More than 300 but less than 1,000 persons Per Event 4,000.00
More than 1000 persons Per Event 20,000.00
Special Event
Less than 1,000 persons Per Day 3,500.00
With over 1,000 but less than 5,000 persons Per Day 5,000.00
Over 5,000 persons Per Day 25,000.00
Round Robin
3 - 5 Events Per Event 2,000.00
6 - 10 Per Event 1,800.00
10 and More Per Event 1,500.00
Annual Fee (Venue)
Class A Annually 15,000.00
Class B Annually 10,000.00
Class C Annually 5,000.00
Promotions Per Event 5,000.00
Road Shows Per Event 5,000.00
(Town & Country Planning Control of Advertisement Regulation 1979)
Unipole Annually 100,000.00
Multimedia Annually 30,000.00
Tri-Media (21 ft x 10 ft) Annually 15,000.00
Tri-Media (32 ft x 19 ft) Annually 20,000.00
Electronic Billboard Annually 40,000.00
Super Billboard Annually 12,000.00
Billboards (21 ft x 10 ft) Annually 8,000.00
Billboards (21 ft x 10 ft) Annually 10,000.00
Illumination of Signs
Small Annually 500.00
Large Annually 1,000.00
Banners Annually 1,000.00
Small Signs
1 - 10 Weekly 300.00
11 - 30 Weekly 250.00
Over 30 Weekly 500.00
Signs above 4 sq. ft. Annually 3,000.00
Sings above 8 sq. ft. Annually 4,000.00
Sings on Bus Shelter Annually 3,000.00
Encroachment Fee Annually 6,000.00
Inspection of Sites As Requested 500.00
Late Fee Per Sign 1,000.00
Cemetery Fees
(Cemetery Management Regulation)
Reservation of Sport (must be clearly identify and secured with conditions) As Requested 12,000.00
Vault Spot (Adult) As Requested 6,400.00
Vault Spot (Child) As Requested 3,200.00
All-In-One Vault As Requested 9,400.00
Double Vault As Requested 12,200.00
Urn As Requested -
Grave As Requested 3,000.00
Tomb As Requested 5,000.00
Inspection of Private Burial Spot As Requested 1,500.00
Exhumation As Requested 10,000.00
Market Fees
Ground Provisions and Vegetables
Juice Crate Per Container 50.00
Block Crate Per Container 100.00
Small Feeding Bag Per Container 100.00
Large Feeding Bag Per Container 150.00
88.45 Square Feet Per Day 200.00
100 Square Feet and above Per Day 400.00
Storage 0 0
Butcher Per Day 50.00 per lb
Water Supplies
Service Pipe Connection As Requested 9,000.00
Water Rate Monthly 500.00
Recommendation Fee As Requested 1,500.00
Commercial Water Rate Monthly 1,000.00
Commercial Reconnection As Requested 2,250.00
Use of Council's Building
Council Chamber As Requested 5,000.00
Conference Room As Requested 3,000.00
Councillors/Staff Parking Area As Requested 10,000.00
General Parking Area As Requested 10,000.00
Barbers & Hairdressers
(Barbers and Hairdressers Regulation)
New Barber Annually 2,500.00
Renewal Barber Shop Annually 2,500.00
New Barber Shop Annually 3,500.00
Renewal Barber Shop Annually 3,500.00
New Hairdresser Annually 3,000.00
Renewal Hairdresser Annually 3,000.00
New Beauty Salon Annually 3,000.00
Renewal Beauty Salon Annually 3,500.00
New Beauty Salon/Barbershop Annually 5,000.00
Renewal Beauty Salon/Barbershop Annually 5,000.00
New Beauty Therapist Annually 3,500.00
Renewal Beauty Therapist Annually 3,500.00
Trainee Barber/Hairdresser/Cosmetologist Annually 500.00
Renewal of Trainee Licence Annually 500.00
Fees for Health Certiifcate Annually 500.00
Building Fees
(Per M Squared) Residential
Single Family As Requested 112.00
Multi Family As Requested 220.00
Extension to Single Family As Requested 112.00
Extension to Multi Family As Requested 220.00
Extension to building Permit (Per Plan) As Requested 1,500.00
NHT Site and Drainage Plans
One Bedroom Unit As Requested 4,140.00
Two Bedroom Unit As Requested 6,006.00 / 7,750.00
Three Bedroom Unit As Requested 10,242.00
Shop As Requested 220.00
Office As Requested 220.00
Hotel As Requested 220.00
Guesthouse As Requested 220.00
Warehouse As Requested 220.00
Cinema As Requested 220.00
Extension to Commercial Building As Requested 220.00
Extension to Building Permit (Per Plan) As Requested 2,000.00
Institutional / Social
School As Requested 112.00
Church As Requested 112.00
Hospital As Requested 112.00
Day Care  As Requested 112.00
Extension to Bulding  As Requested 112.00
Extension to Building (Per Plan) As Requested 1,500.00
(Administrative Fees, Site Visit etc.)
Modification to Building Plan As Requested 1/4 of Floor Area
Change of Use  As Requested 1/4 Floor Area
Certified Copies of building Plan As Requested 2,000.00
Certified Copies of Subdivision Plan (9 lots and under) As Requested 1,500.00
Certified Copies of Subdivision Plan (10 lots and over) As Requested 3,000.00
Site Inspection Per Visit 1,000.00
Quarry Applications  Per Case 4,000.00
Modification of Restrictive Covenant Per Case 3,000.00
Certificate of Completion Per Case 2,000.00
Statutory Declaration Per Case 1,200.00
Revalidation to Plans Per Case 1,500.00
Copy to Building Permit & Conditions Per Case 500.00
Appeals Per Case 0
Cell Signs Per Case 100,000.00
Letters  Per Case 500.00