Senior Management

The Chief Executive Officer (CEO) is the head of the Clarendon Municipal Corporation's Administration. Nine members of the Corporation's management team reports directly to the CEO including:

1. Director of Administration
2. Director, Public Procurement
3. Director of Planning
4. Chief Engineering Officer
5. Inspector of Poor
6. Parish Disaster Coordinator
7. Internal Auditor
8. Chief Financial Officer
9. Commercial Services Manager

The Chief Executive Officer (CEO)

The Chief Executive Officer is the Council’s Chief of Staff. Each head of department reports directly to him. He supervises the Corporation's management team including the Directors of Planning, Administration and Accounts as well as the Chief Engineering Officer and the Inspector of the Poor. He is also tasked with giving an account of the Municipal Corporation’s operations to the Corporation and oversight bodies like the Public Accounts Committee, the Ministry of Local Government and the Local Governement Services Commission. The CEO's job requires excellent leadership, management, negotiating and interpersonal skills to successfully manage the responsibilities of the Corporation. The Clarendon Municipal Corporation's current CEO is Mr. Rowhan Blake. He holds a Masters degree in Business Administration. 

Director, Public Procurement

Under the direct supervision of the Chief Executive Officer, the Director or Public Procurement is responsible for ensuring that goods and services required by the Corporation are procured and delivered as requested in accordance with the Government of Jamaica's Public Procurement Act 2015 and Regulations. The Director of Public Procurement also monitors and ensures that effective and up to date procurement records are maintained and that procurement practices conform to the Financial Audit Act. The Director of Public Procurement acts as purchasing agent on behalf of the Corporation as well as locally funded programmes. Overseeing the processes of awarding contracts, the preparation of tender documents as well providing advice on public procurement matters all forms part of the job of the Director of Public Procurement. The Current Director of Public Procurement is Miss Alison Munn. 

Director, Administration

The Director of Administration ensures that the departments of the Municipal Corporation are adequately staffed with qualified and efficient personnel and that personnel are effectively deployed and supervised. For while the CEO heads the administrative department, the Director of Administration does all the man management in the Corporation. The Corporation's Director of Administration has qualifications in Business Administration and Public Administration. The Clarendon Municipal Corporation's current Director of Administration is Miss Charmaine Williams.

Director, Planning & Development

The Director of Planning and Development coordinates all the Corporation's efforts involved in ensuring that land development in the parish occurs in a sustainable manner. The Director of Planning considers factors such as environmental impact, privacy, ventilation and circulation when vetting building plans for approval. The Senior Planner works very closely with the Chief Engineering Officer in discharging her duties. The Clarendon Municipal Corporation's current Director of Planning is Miss Nickala Thompson. She is qualified in Urban and Regional Planning.

Chief Engineering Officer

The Chief Engineering Officer is the Corporation’s Chief Technical Adviser on all matters pertaining to parochial roads, the physical assets (properties) of the Corporation, equipment and vehicles. His role in supervising building development in the parish is direct and robust. Building (field) officers, under his direction, carries out building inspections, serves stop notices and enforces all building development laws. His role is very important in regulating the parish's built environment as his intervention is critical in preventing ad-hoc expansion of the building stock in the parish. The Chief Engineering Officer is trained in Construction Management and Civil Engineering. The Clarendon Municipal Corporation's Chief Engineering Officer is Mr. Davian Byfield.

Chief Financial Officer (CFO)

The Chief Financial Officer takes care of all things related to the in-flow and expenditure of the Municipal Corporation's assets and monies. The Chief Financial Officer is responsible for ensuring the transparent and jurisprudent allocation of monies to finance infrastructural and social projects undertaken by the Corporation while keenly monitoring procurement activities performed on the Corporation’s behalf. The Chief Financial Officer is charged with taking all steps permissible in law to collect all monies owing to the Corporation. The Chief Financial Officer also oversees all schemes related to the financing of staff welfare activities such as transportation and uniform allowance or staff loans. The Clarendon Municipal Corporation's current Chief Financial Officer is Mr. Wayne Brown. He holds a Masters Degree in Finance and Banking.

Inspector of Poor (IP)

The Inspector of Poor administers all the Municipal Corporation's activities and efforts related to social welfare services including oversight of the Clarendon Infirmary and supervision of the Matron. The Clarendon Municipal Corporation's current Inspector of Poor, Mrs. Jeanette Samuels Morris, has dedicated many years of service to Poor Relief in the parish first as a poor relief officer. The poor relief officer qualifies for the post with the requisite GCSE/CSEC qualifications, NCTVET Certification together with passing the written Board of Supervision (for the relief of Poor in Jamaica) examination.

Matron, Clarendon Infirmary

The head of the Clarendon Infirmary, the Municipal Corporation’s residential care facility for poor and destitute persons, is the Matron or Administrator. The matron is responsible for ensuring the comfort, physical and psychological welfare of the residents. The matron is a registered nurse (RN) with at least 2-3 years nursing experience and has successfully completed a Board of Supervision exam in poor relief administration. Together with this training the matron’s job is one that requires a great deal of compassion for the poor and an aptitude to work with the socially deprived. The Clarendon Infirmary's current Matron is Ms. Joan Thompson.

Commercial Services Manager (CSM)

The Commercial Services Manager manages all the Municipal Corporation’s income-generating activities and properties, both own-source and self-financing facilities, to ensure profitability and product quality while serving the social good. This requires good planning, financial forecasting and people management skills. The parish’s six (operational) Municipal markets, seven (7) transportation centres and six (6) public cemeteries are managed by the Commercial Services Department. The Commercial Services Manager is qualified in Engineering. The Clarendon Municipal Corporation's current Commercial Services Manager is Miss Nickita Francis.

 Parish Disaster Coordinator (PDC)

The Parish Disaster Coordinator is responsible for continuously and proactively monitoring the parish's disaster management systems such as shelters, relief supplies, shelter managers and community resilience to ensure that the parish is in a state of readiness in the event of a disaster. The Parish Disaster Coordinator maintains a close relationship with ODPEM’s regional disaster coordinator as well as private and voluntary relief organizations. The Clarendon Municipal Corporation's current Parish Disaster Coordinator is Miss Eleanor Coombs- Waithe.