
Role of the Clarendon Infirmary
The role of the Clarendon infirmary is to provide care and protection for the most vulnerable within the parish taking into consideration the guidelines of the Poor Relief Law and the Rules and Regulation for Management of Institutional Care Facilities.

Function of the Clarendon Infirmary
The functions of the Infirmary includes that of providing nursing care, meeting routine hygienic needs of residents, providing proper diet based on each individuals need, ensuring safety of residents, providing medical assistance by engaging the service of a medical officer as well as ensuring that prescriptions are filled and residents are provided with prescribed medications.
An essential function is to ensure that staff members are trained and adequately deployed in the relevant areas they are assigned to. This will enable efficiency in their area of work.

Importance of Purview of the Clarendon Infimary
The importance of the Infirmary is that it provides residential care for the most vulnerable in society who otherwise cannot be cared for or sheltered by relatives and other members of society. It also serves as a buffer for family members who, because of a disabled relative whether physical, mental or otherwise are not able to earn a livelihood. Once the disabled person is removed from a home setting that other relative is able to be employed thus making a livelihood.