Planning Department

 Planning & Development Department

The Planning & Development Department is regarded as the face of the Clarendon Municipal Corporation as it is the first department customers come in contact with when they visit the Council to do business. The department is also the major contributor to the Municipal Corporation's own-source revenue. The Planning and Development department offering a range of services related to building, construction and development including: 

  • Development Applications
  • Advertisements
    • Buildings / Alteration of Buildings
    • Subdivisions
    • Change of use
    • Outline
  • Applications for Petrol filling Stations
  • Enforcement as it relates to Illegal Buildings
  • Applications under the Places of Amusement Act.

Building Permits
The law requires than an individual applies for and is granted a building permit before commencing construction. A building permit can only be granted by the Local Authority. The permit allows for the erection, alteration and repair of buildings for commercial, residential, industrial or institutional use. A building permit is valid for only six (6) months. An application for revalidation must be submitted if the applicant fails to commence construction within that time period. The revalidation of a permit is valid for up to two (2) years after which the application must be re-submitted.

Required Documents
Each application for a building permit must be accompanied by:
a. The completed application form
b. Proof of ownership (land)
c.  Appointment of agent letter along with a letter from a Justice of Peace, if you are not the landowner
d. Tax certificate

Building Fees
Building fees are estimated based on the proposed land use and the size of the building. Buildings are classified as four general types: residential, commercial, institutional and social.  Click on this link for a complete list of building fees.

A subdivision is the process of dividing plots of land for sale or development. The fee charged for subdivisions is equal to 0.5% of the value of the property plus 0.5% of the value of the infrastructure if there are any.

Development Approval Process
An application has to be sent to various internal departments and external agencies for approval depending on the type of service being sought, which might affect the processing time. Building applications are however usually processed in 6 to 12 weeks and a subdivision application in 8 to 19 months. Display of advertisement applications are usually processed in 5 to 12 weeks. An applicant can appeal the decision to refuse his building or subdivision application. The appeal should be made to the Minister of Land, Environment, Water and Climate Change which is at no cost to the applicant. 

There are three categories of advertisements.  These are Billboards, Illumination of signs and Small signs. Click on this link for a complete list of display of advertisement fees.

The Planning and Development Department at the Clarendon Municipal Corporation is headed by Miss Nickala Thompson (Director of Planning). She leads an experienced team including a Physical Planner, Planning Coordinator, Records Clerk, Help Desk Clerk, Works Overseer who is assigned to lands projects and a Secretary. If you have any questions about the development approval process please contact the Clarendon Municipal Corporation or the Planning and Development Department directly at